houston pressure washing

Should You Use Soap When Pressure Washing a House?

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Pressure washing is not something that the average person would likely have wrapped their head around, and the reason behind this is that it is a relatively technical endeavor that demands a fair bit of prowess and in depth knowledge. This results in a lot of misconceptions arising among lay people who are as of yet unaware of the crucial details that are uncovered when you start doing pressure washing first hand once all has been said and is now out of the way.

Perhaps the biggest misconception that people tend to have about house washing houston using pressure washers is that you should only ever use water in such situations. It’s definitely true that water can get a lot of the work done, and the pressure levels help take its cleaning potential up a few notches. That said, it’s essential to recognize that adding some soap to your cleaning solutions can help you to use lower levels of pressure than might have been the case otherwise. That can be enormously influential in you maintaining the look and finish of vinyl siding, floor boards or any other entities that might get damaged if excessive force hits them.

The main benefit of using soap is that it acts as a surfactant, which means that it literally breaks down the lipid molecules that make grease so tough to clean up. This lipid structure can great a layer on top of your walls, and this layer would not let any water pass through due to its hydrophobic nature. Adding some soap helps you break through this layer and increase the surface area of your water spray by leaps and bounds.